Emotion Belly Yoga

I took three wrapped packages to my Emotion Belly Kids Yoga Class. We all know kids love just ripping the paper off! Inside of the first box there were feathers and ping pong balls, the perfect way to begin yoga, focusing on breathing and the power of our breath. The second box was empty, hmmmm? That was a thought box. We focused and talked about our thoughts and how important they are for our feelings. The third box contained pictures of Christmas Yoga Poses, it’s fun to be a reindeer. And then we turned our yoga mats into magical sleighs and delivered our gifts to kids all over the world.
At the end of class a child asked if he could take the thought box home. His mom looked at me and said, “It’s just an empty box!” But, I knew to him the box was completely full!
Classes now forming: message or email me for details: Edenandherhappy@yahoo.com